Building and Testing Collaborative Bucket Extensions with tvb-ext-bucket

Blake Bradford Avatar


Building and Testing Collaborative Bucket Extensions with tvb-ext-bucket

Are you interested in building collaborative bucket extensions for JupyterLab? Look no further than the tvb-ext-bucket repository! In this article, we will explore the installation, troubleshooting, development, testing, and packaging of the tvb-ext-bucket extension. Whether you are a software engineer, a solution architect, or a stakeholder in a collaborative project, this article will provide you with valuable insights.

Installation and Setup

To start using the tvb-ext-bucket extension, make sure you have JupyterLab installed on your system with a version of 3.0 or higher. Once that is done, simply run the following command to install the extension:

pip install tvb-ext-bucket


If you encounter any issues with the tvb-ext-bucket extension, we have troubleshooting guidelines to help you out. First, check if the server extension is enabled by running the following command:

jupyter server extension list

If the server extension is installed and enabled but you still can’t see the frontend extension, check if the frontend extension is installed by running:

jupyter labextension list


If you want to contribute to the tvb-ext-bucket extension or customize it to fit your specific needs, we have a development setup guide for you. You will need NodeJS installed on your system to build the extension package. Follow these steps to set up the development environment:

  1. Clone the tvb-ext-bucket repository to your local environment.
  2. Change your directory to the tvb-ext-bucket directory.
  3. Install the package in development mode by running pip install -e ..
  4. Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab using jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite.
  5. Enable the server extension by running jupyter server extension enable tvb_ext_bucket.
  6. Make changes to the extension’s source and rebuild the extension’s TypeScript source by running jlpm build.

While developing, you can watch the source directory for changes and automatically rebuild the extension by running jlpm watch. In another terminal, run jupyter lab to start JupyterLab.


Testing is an essential aspect of any software development project. Whether you are contributing to the tvb-ext-bucket extension or using it in your collaborative project, running tests ensures the stability and reliability of the extension. The tvb-ext-bucket extension uses Pytest for Python code testing and Jest for JavaScript code testing. To run the server tests, install the test dependencies with pip install -e ".[test]" and execute the tests with pytest -vv -r ap --cov tvb_ext_bucket. To run the frontend tests, execute jlpm followed by jlpm test.


If you want to package the tvb-ext-bucket extension for distribution or deployment, we have instructions for you. Refer to the RELEASE file for more details on how to package the extension.


The tvb-ext-bucket project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 945539 (Human Brain Project SGA3). We would like to acknowledge this support.

In conclusion, the tvb-ext-bucket repository provides a comprehensive solution for building collaborative bucket extensions in JupyterLab. From installation and troubleshooting to development, testing, and packaging, this article has covered all the essential aspects. Start building your collaborative projects with tvb-ext-bucket today!

If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to ask in the comments section below.

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