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Introducing crispy-bootstrap5

Aisha Patel Avatar


Enhancing Django Forms with Bootstrap 5: Introducing crispy-bootstrap5


Are you looking to level up your Django form design? Look no further! The new crispy-bootstrap5, a Bootstrap 5 template pack for django-crispy-forms, is here to transform the way you create and style forms in your Django applications. With its seamless integration and comprehensive features, crispy-bootstrap5 empowers developers to effortlessly build modern, responsive forms. In this article, we will explore the installation process, usage instructions, and the exciting new features crispy-bootstrap5 brings to the table.


Installing crispy-bootstrap5 is as simple as running a single command. Open your terminal and enter the following:
$ pip install crispy-bootstrap5

Once the installation is complete, you are ready to start leveraging the power of crispy-bootstrap5.


To start using crispy-bootstrap5, you need to update your project’s settings file and add “crispy_forms” and “crispy_bootstrap5” to the “INSTALLED_APPS” list. Additionally, set “bootstrap5” as the allowed template pack and the default template pack for your project. Here’s an example snippet illustrating the changes required:




Once your project is configured, you can start using crispy-bootstrap5 to create stunning forms.

What’s New?

One of the standout features of Bootstrap 5 is the introduction of floating labels. crispy-bootstrap5 includes a layout object called “FloatingField” that allows you to utilize this input type effortlessly. Here’s an example of how to use the “FloatingField” in your form layout:
from crispy_bootstrap5.bootstrap5 import FloatingField

Inside your Layout

… Layout(

Another exciting addition to crispy-bootstrap5 is the enhanced Accordion functionality. With new features like “Accordion flush” and “Always open,” you can now create more interactive and user-friendly forms. The new layout object called “BS5Accordion” enables you to leverage these features easily. Here’s an example snippet showcasing how to use the “BS5Accordion” in your form layout:
from crispy_bootstrap5.bootstrap5 import BS5Accordion

Inside your Layout

If not informed, flush and always_open default to False

… Layout(
AccordionGroup(“group name”, “form_field_1”, “form_field_2”),
AccordionGroup(“another group name”, “form_field”),

Additionally, crispy-bootstrap5 introduces support for Switches, which are custom checkboxes rendered as toggle switches. The widget for these fields should be a CheckboxInput. Here’s an example of using the “Switch” in your form layout:
from crispy_bootstrap5.bootstrap5 import Switch

… Layout(Switch(“is_company”))

With these new features and enhancements, crispy-bootstrap5 empowers you to create visually appealing and highly interactive forms in your Django applications.


If you’re interested in contributing to crispy-bootstrap5 or want to explore the codebase, follow the steps below. First, clone the code repository and navigate to the project directory. Then, create a new virtual environment and activate it. Here are the commands to follow:
cd crispy-bootstrap5
python -mvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Alternatively, if you’re using pipenv, run the following command:
pipenv shell

Next, install the dependencies and tests by running:
pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests, use the command:

You are now all set to contribute to crispy-bootstrap5 and shape its future.

In conclusion, crispy-bootstrap5 is a game-changer for Django developers seeking to build stylish and responsive forms. Its seamless integration with django-crispy-forms and the power of Bootstrap 5 make it a must-have tool in your web development toolkit. By leveraging crispy-bootstrap5, you can save time, improve UX, and create stunning forms effortlessly. Get started with crispy-bootstrap5 today and take your Django applications to the next level.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and enhancements coming to crispy-bootstrap5!

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