Introducing TSuite

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A Comprehensive Test Suite for RL Agents: Introducing TSuite

As RL (Reinforcement Learning) gains popularity and continues to advance, it becomes increasingly important to test and debug RL agents thoroughly. That’s where TSuite comes in. TSuite is a powerful test suite that provides a simple way to test RL agents in an end-to-end setting, independent of the agent’s action and observation space.

TSuite offers a collection of test cases, each containing one or more test tasks designed to evaluate various aspects of RL solutions. These test tasks are solvable by any reasonable agent in just a few steps and are compatible with most action and observation spaces. They are fast, short, and designed to be sensitive to common mistakes, such as broken LSTM states.

One of the key features of TSuite is its ability to simulate a wide range of scenarios and evaluate different components of RL solutions. Here are some typical user stories that demonstrate TSuite’s versatility:

Developing and debugging an RL framework

If you are developing a new RL framework, TSuite can help you ensure that your framework can handle errors, handle agent states correctly, and run environments that are not thread-safe. With test cases like “crashing_env” that simulates periodic environment crashes and “thread_safety” that simulates a non-thread-safe environment, TSuite allows you to find and fix common implementation issues.

Developing and debugging an RL agent

For those developing an RL agent, TSuite provides test cases to ensure that the agent can perceive all provided observations and output all available actions. With test cases like “action_space” and “observation_space,” TSuite helps you confirm that your agent can react to information present in observations and output actions within the desired range.

Developing and debugging an RL algorithm

If your focus is on developing a new RL algorithm, TSuite offers test cases that allow you to test the algorithm’s ability to solve basic learning problems, learn from expert demonstrations, and handle changes in the input. With test cases like “overfit” that tests the algorithm’s ability to overfit to a short fixed sequence of actions and “discount” that tests its handling of the discount provided by the environment, TSuite helps you uncover issues such as instabilities and convergence problems.

Developing and debugging a real-time controller

For those working on a real-time controller, TSuite provides test cases to ensure that the controller fulfills latency guarantees and behaves correctly when faced with a slow environment. With test cases like “latency” and “slow_env,” TSuite helps you detect violations of latency guarantees and handle failures when environmental constraints are not met.

Developing and debugging an evaluation system

If you are developing an evaluation system, TSuite can help you ensure that the system works correctly and displays the reward information correctly. With test cases like “reward” that always outputs a reward of 1 and “slow_env” that tests the behavior of the evaluation system with a slow environment, TSuite allows you to validate the correctness of your evaluation system.

These user stories provide just a glimpse of TSuite’s capabilities. The suite offers many more test cases and tasks, enabling you to address additional scenarios and customize tests to suit your specific needs.

TSuite’s test cases are well-documented and easy to use. To get started, you can install the latest development version from GitHub and create a virtual environment. From there, you can utilize TSuite as a drop-in replacement for any dm_env compatible environment, making it seamless to integrate into your existing workflow.

TSuite emphasizes the importance of adhering to coding standards and encourages comprehensive testing and error handling. It provides a robust data model and ensures security measures are in place to protect sensitive information. It is designed for scalability and performance, making it suitable for both small-scale projects and large-scale applications.

Maintenance and support of TSuite are prioritized, and the user community is actively encouraged to contribute ideas, report issues, and suggest improvements. Extensive documentation and training resources are available to ensure all stakeholders can effectively leverage the capabilities of TSuite.

In conclusion, TSuite is a comprehensive test suite for RL agents that empowers software engineers and solution architects to test and debug RL solutions effectively. Its wide range of test cases and tasks enables the evaluation of RL frameworks, agents, algorithms, real-time controllers, and evaluation systems. By using TSuite, professionals can ensure the reliability, performance, and correctness of their RL solutions.

We encourage all stakeholders to explore TSuite, contribute to its development, and leverage its capabilities to enhance their RL projects.

– TSuite Repository:
– Keck, T. (2023). TSuite [Software]. Available at

– Apache License, Version 2.0
– Copyright 2023 DeepMind Technologies Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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