
Streamline Your Website Forms

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A Comprehensive Guide to djangocms-form-builder: Streamline Your Website Forms

When it comes to managing and integrating forms into your Django CMS website, djangocms-form-builder is a powerful tool that can simplify the process and give you greater control over your forms. In this guide, we will explore the key features of djangocms-form-builder, learn how to integrate it with your website, and create custom forms using either the structure board or existing Django forms.

Key Features

  • Bootstrap 5 Support: djangocms-form-builder seamlessly integrates with Bootstrap 5, allowing you to create stylish and responsive forms that match your website’s design.

  • Open Architecture: It is not limited to Bootstrap – you can use other CSS frameworks to style your forms.

  • Integration with django-crispy-forms: djangocms-form-builder integrates with django-crispy-forms <https://github.com/django-crispy-forms/django-crispy-forms>_, making it even easier to create visually appealing and user-friendly forms.

  • Integration with djangocms-frontend: By using djangocms-frontend, you can centrally manage your forms and place them on different pages by referring to them with their alias. This provides a convenient way to organize and reuse your forms across your Django CMS website.


To install djangocms-form-builder, you have two options:

  1. Manual installation: Run the following command: pip install djangocms-form-builder. Make sure to add djangocms_form_builder to your INSTALLED_APPS, and migrate your database using python manage.py migrate.

  2. Installation via Git: Run the command pip install git+https://github.com/fsbraun/djangocms-form-builder@master#egg=djangocms-form-builder.

Usage: Creating Forms using the Structure Board

The structure board in Django CMS provides a visual way to create forms quickly. To add a form, first create a Form plugin with a unique identifier (formatted as a slug). You can then add form fields by adding child classes to the form plugin. These can include form fields and other CMS plugins for custom formatting or additional help texts. djangocms-form-builder supports various form fields, including CharField, EmailField, URLField, DecimalField, IntegerField, Textarea, DateField, DateTimeField, TimeField, SelectField, and BooleanField.

Usage: Integrating Existing Django Forms

If you already have existing Django forms, you can easily register them with djangocms-form-builder. This allows you to use those forms within the form plugin. Simply import register_with_form_builder and use it as a decorator for your form class. You can also add additional information using Meta classes to customize the form’s behavior, such as specifying a verbose name, redirection URL after form submission, enabling floating labels, and setting the field separator.

Contributing and Feedback

djangocms-form-builder is an open-source project, and contributions and feedback are always welcome. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit them as issues or pull requests. You can find the contribution guidelines in the official documentation <http://docs.django-cms.org/en/latest/contributing/index.html>_. Be sure to check out the list of contributors in the project’s repository to see who has helped shape this fantastic tool.


djangocms-form-builder provides a user-friendly and efficient way to integrate and manage forms in your Django CMS website. Its seamless integration with Bootstrap 5, support for other CSS frameworks, and compatibility with Django’s form system make it a versatile tool to streamline your form creation process. By following the installation instructions and utilizing the structure board or existing Django forms, you can create stylish and responsive forms that enhance your website’s user experience. Start exploring djangocms-form-builder today and take your website forms to the next level!


Remember, if you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out and start a conversation. Happy coding!

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