Unleashing the Power of Data Visualization in R

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Have you ever wished you could create eye-catching charts directly on your R terminal? Well, now you can with asciichartr! This impressive R package allows you to generate interactive ASCII charts effortlessly. In this article, we will explore the features and functionalities of asciichartr, learn how to install and use the package, and delve into the possibilities of visualizing data on your terminal.

Installing the Package

To get started with asciichartr, you first need to install the package. Thankfully, asciichartr is available on CRAN, making the installation process a breeze. Simply run the following command in your R console:


Once the installation is complete, you’re ready to embark on your journey into the world of interactive ASCII charts!

Using the Package

Using asciichartr is remarkably intuitive. The core function, asciiPlot, takes a numeric vector as input and generates a chart based on the provided data. To see this in action, let’s consider the following example:

ts <- c(1,1,2,3,6,3,10,5,1,7,9,9,10,6,9,7,10,8)

Executing the code above will produce the following output:

10.00 ┤ ╭╮ ╭╮ ╭╮
9.00 ┤ ││ ╭─╯│╭╮││
8.00 ┤ ││ │ ││││╰
7.00 ┤ ││ ╭╯ ││╰╯
6.00 ┤ ╭╮││ │ ╰╯
5.00 ┤ │││╰╮│
4.00 ┤ │││ ││
3.00 ┤ ╭╯╰╯ ││
2.00 ┤ ╭╯ ││
1.00 ┼─╯ ╰╯

Impressive, isn’t it? With just a few lines of code, you can visualize your data in a clean and visually appealing manner.

Configuration Options

asciichartr also offers various configuration options to customize your charts further. By exploring the documentation and referring to ?asciiPlot, you can uncover a treasure trove of configuration settings that allow you to control chart appearance, labels, axis range, and more. Experiment with different configurations to enhance the visual impact of your charts and make them more informative.

Credits and Inspiration

While asciichartr is a remarkable package in its own right, it doesn’t exist in isolation. The package was inspired by asciichart, which brings similar functionalities to other platforms and programming languages. asciichartr builds upon this inspiration, enabling R users to leverage the power of ASCII charts within their projects.


asciichartr opens up a whole new world of possibilities for data visualization on the R terminal. Its simplicity, interactivity, and aesthetic appeal make it a valuable tool for both exploratory data analysis and presenting insights to stakeholders. By combining the power of R with the visual impact of ASCII charts, asciichartr empowers you to communicate complex data effectively.

So, why not take the leap and start creating your own interactive ASCII charts with asciichartr? Install the package, explore its functionalities, and elevate your data visualization game to new heights. Happy charting!

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