A Comprehensive Python API for PTT Library

Blake Bradford Avatar


PyPtt: A Comprehensive Python API for PTT Library

PyPtt (PTT Library) is a powerful and versatile pure Python API that provides support for a wide range of functionalities related to PTT (Taiwanese BBS) and PTT2. This open-source library offers features such as posting and replying to articles, web scraping, messaging, virtual currency transactions, and account tracking. With PyPtt, you have access to complete usage examples and detailed API documentation to help you get started quickly.

Why Choose PyPtt

  1. Full Support: PyPtt is currently the most comprehensive PTT API available, ensuring seamless compatibility with both PTT and PTT2. You can rely on PyPtt to handle all your PTT automation needs.

  2. Real-time Web Scraping: PyPtt allows you to perform login-based web scraping, enabling you to retrieve real-time comments and search with specific conditions. No more need to crawl entire boards and manually clean and analyze data.

  3. Fast Customer Support: Have questions or encounter any issues? Reach out to the developer in the PyPtt chatroom on Telegram chatroom icon for quick and friendly assistance.


PyPtt is continuously evolving, and the latest version can always be found on PyPI. Use the following badge to check for the latest package version:

Package Version


To install PyPtt, ensure you have Python version 3.8 or higher installed and run the following command:

pip install PyPtt

More installation information can be found on PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/PyPtt/

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any issues while using PyPtt, follow these steps:

  1. Read the PyPtt documentation for the appropriate version: 0.9 version, 1.0 version. Ensure that you are using the correct usage and check that your PyPtt version matches the latest package version: Package Version. If you are using an older version, update to the latest version and retest.

  2. If the issue persists, adjust the log level to PTT.Logger.TRACE following the steps in the initial setup section of the documentation. Take a screenshot and provide the relevant PyPtt code in the bug report.

  3. Open a new issue in the PyPtt GitHub repository with a friendly attitude and detailed information about the problem you encountered.


PyPtt requires Python version 3.8 or higher.

Statement of Purpose

PyPtt aims to provide the PTT community with an automated bot library while adhering to the rules and regulations of PTT. If you notice any violation, please report it immediately.


If PyPtt has been helpful to you, consider supporting the developer with a small donation to buy a cup of coffee:


Sponsorship List

  • leftc

Source: PTTLibrary Documentation

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