
A Guide to Reading and Writing MS-NRBF Files using QNrbfFormat

Blake Bradford Avatar


A Guide to Reading and Writing MS-NRBF Files using QNrbfFormat

Are you looking for a reliable and efficient solution to handle MS-NRBF files in your software projects? Look no further! With the QNrbfFormat library, you can easily read and write MS-NRBF files, allowing you to extract data structures to JSON files and deserialize X Studio Singer project files seamlessly. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the setup process, usage instructions, and integration steps to help you unlock the full potential of QNrbfFormat in your software solutions.

Getting Started

Before diving into the exciting features of QNrbfFormat, let’s ensure you have the necessary requirements in place. The library is built on top of the robust Qt Core framework, so make sure you have it installed before proceeding.

Using QNrbfFormat as a Sub-Project

If you prefer to use QNrbfFormat as a sub-project within your existing codebase, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Copy the QNrbfFormat folder to the location containing your CMakeLists.txt file.
  2. Set the QNRBF_BUILD_NRBF_ONLY flag to on.
  3. Add the QNrbfFormat repository as your subproject using the add_subdirectory command:


  1. Use the target_link_libraries command to link QNrbfFormat to your project:

target_link_libraries(<target> <scope> QNrbfFormat)

Using these steps, you can easily integrate QNrbfFormat into your existing codebase and leverage its functionalities seamlessly.

Using QNrbfFormat as a Pre-Built Library

Alternatively, if you prefer to use QNrbfFormat as a pre-built library, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set the QNRBF_BUILD_NRBF_ONLY flag to on.
  2. Set the QNRBF_INSTALL flag to on.
  3. Run the CMake Install command.
  4. Find the library and add the link to your project:

find_library(QNrbf REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(<target> <scope> QNrbfFormat)

By following these steps, you can easily install and integrate the pre-built QNrbfFormat library into your project, eliminating the need for separate compilation.

References and Acknowledgements

To further enhance your understanding and gain more insights into the underlying technologies and concepts, we recommend exploring the following resources:

These projects have provided invaluable inspiration and guidance for the development of QNrbfFormat. We extend our gratitude to the contributors of these projects.

License Information

QNrbfFormat is released under the GNU LGPL 2.1 License. For more information regarding the licensing terms, please refer to the source repository.


In conclusion, the QNrbfFormat library offers an efficient and reliable solution for reading and writing MS-NRBF files. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily incorporate QNrbfFormat into your projects and leverage its capabilities to enhance your software solutions. Whether you need to extract MS-NRBF data structures to JSON files or deserialize X Studio Singer project files, QNrbfFormat has you covered. Take advantage of this powerful library and unlock new possibilities in your software development endeavors.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy coding!

Have any questions?

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the QNrbfFormat library, its implementation, and usage. We are here to provide answers and support as you explore this powerful tool.

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