Streamline Your Financial Management with Intesa San Paolo OFX Plugin

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Are you tired of manually inputting your Intesa San Paolo bank statements into your financial management software? With the IntesaSP plugin for ofxstatement, you can say goodbye to time-consuming data entry and effortlessly convert your Intesa San Paolo Excel statements into the open source OFX format.

Installation and Configuration Made Easy

Installing the IntesaSP plugin is a breeze. Simply run the following command in your terminal:

pip3 install --user ofxstatement-intesasp

Alternatively, you can install it directly from the downloaded git repository using the script. Once installed, you’re ready to configure the plugin.

To edit the configuration file, run the command:

$ ofxstatement edit-config

In the config file, you need to replace the zeroes with your bank’s ABI and CAB codes, which are the Italian equivalent of BIC codes. It should look something like this:

ABI = 00000
CAB = 00000
plugin = IntesaSP

Save the changes to the config file, and you’re all set!

Seamlessly Convert Your Transactions

Now that you’ve installed and configured the IntesaSP plugin, you’re ready to convert your Intesa San Paolo Excel statements into the OFX format. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Download your transactions file from the official bank’s site.
  2. Open your terminal and run the command:

$ ofxstatement convert -t IntesaSP Movimenti_Conto_<date>.xlsx Movimenti.ofx

That’s it! Your transactions are now converted and ready to use in any program that supports the OFX format.

Simplify Your Workflow with Aliases

To make using the plugin even easier, we recommend adding an alias to your system (if in a Linux environment or on an emulated terminal). This alias will allow you to use a shorter command to convert your transactions.

Simply add the following alias to your .bash_aliases file:

$ printf '\n# Intesa excel convert to OFX format\nalias ofxIntesa="ofxstatement convert -t IntesaSP"\n' >> ~/.bash_aliases

After adding the alias, close and reopen your terminal to reload it. Now you can use the following command:

$ ofxIntesa Movimenti_Conto_<date>.xlsx Movimenti.ofx

Manage Your Finances with Ease

Once you have your OFX file, you can use any program that supports this format to manage your finances. One popular option is HomeBank, an open source program that is continuously updated and packed with features. HomeBank is compatible with the OFX format, ensuring a seamless integration with your converted Intesa San Paolo transactions.

With the IntesaSP plugin for ofxstatement, you can streamline your financial management by converting Intesa San Paolo’s Excel statements into the open source OFX format. Say goodbye to manual data entry and start optimizing your workflow today!

Source: GitHub – Jacotsu/ofxstatement-intesasp

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