Automating Marshmallow Schemas with marshmallow-dataclass

Aisha Patel Avatar


Automating Marshmallow Schemas with marshmallow-dataclass

In the world of Python development, using schemas often involves creating separate classes to represent data and its corresponding schema. Unfortunately, this can lead to duplicated code and the potential for inconsistencies. Enter marshmallow-dataclass, the library that automates the generation of marshmallow schemas from dataclasses. This powerful tool eliminates the need for manual schema creation, making API documentation more reliable and code more maintainable.

Why marshmallow-dataclass?

With the release of Python 3.6, type annotations became a powerful feature that allowed for the definition of class members. This enhancement opened the door to automating schema generation. By leveraging the typings module and dataclasses, marshmallow-dataclass can create schemas from dataclasses, reducing the need for manual schema definition.

One of the main advantages of using marshmallow-dataclass is the ability to statically check code against the generated schemas. This ensures that the code aligns with the documentation, reducing the possibility of errors and improving code quality.


Installing marshmallow-dataclass is as easy as running a single command:

pip3 install marshmallow-dataclass

The library can also be extended by installing optional extras such as enum support and support for translating Union types to union fields. These extras can be installed as follows:

pip3 install "marshmallow-dataclass[enum,union]"


Using marshmallow-dataclass is straightforward. By leveraging the class_schema function, a marshmallow Schema class can be generated from a dataclass. The fields within the dataclass can be of basic marshmallow-supported types, Union types, or other dataclasses.

Here’s an example:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from marshmallow_dataclass import class_schema

class Person:
name: str
age: int

PersonSchema = class_schema(Person)

Customizing generated fields

In certain cases, you may want to customize the marshmallow fields generated by marshmallow-dataclass. This can be achieved by passing arguments to the metadata argument of the field function.

Here’s an example:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from marshmallow_dataclass import class_schema
from marshmallow import validate

class Person:
name: str = field(metadata={"load_only": True})
height: float = field(metadata={"validate": validate.Range(min=0)})

PersonSchema = class_schema(Person)

Custom NewType declarations

marshmallow-dataclass provides a NewType function that allows for the creation of types with customized marshmallow fields. These types can be created by specifying keyword arguments that will be passed to the marshmallow field constructor.

Here’s an example:

from marshmallow_dataclass import NewType
from marshmallow import fields, validate

IPv4 = NewType(
"IPv4", str, validate=validate.Regexp(r"^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$")

Email = NewType("Email", str, field=fields.Email)

Customizing the base Schema

For even more flexibility, marshmallow-dataclass allows for the customization of the base Schema class. This can be achieved by creating a custom base Schema class and deriving all generated schemas from it. This customization allows for the implementation of custom (de)serialization behavior, including the mapping between classes and marshmallow fields, and renaming fields on serialization.

Here’s an example:

import marshmallow
from marshmallow_dataclass import dataclass
from marshmallow import Schema

class BaseSchema(Schema):
TYPE_MAPPING = {CustomType: CustomField, list: CustomListField}

class Sample:
my_custom: CustomType
my_custom_list: list[int]

Documentation and Community

For more information about marshmallow-dataclass and its capabilities, refer to the project’s documentation hosted on GitHub Pages: marshmallow-dataclass documentation.

The project is maintained by a vibrant community of developers who actively contribute to its growth. To get involved, refer to the contribution guidelines in the project’s repository: marshmallow-dataclass on GitHub.


marshmallow-dataclass revolutionizes the way schemas are generated in Python by leveraging type annotations and dataclasses. By automating schema generation, developers can eliminate duplicated code and ensure that their APIs align with the documentation. With its customization options and support for various field types, marshmallow-dataclass offers flexibility and simplifies the process of serialization and deserialization. Embrace the power of marshmallow-dataclass and take your Python development to the next level.

So why wait? Install marshmallow-dataclass today and experience the benefits of automated schema generation!

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