A Keyboard-Centric Pixel Editor for Productive Pixel Art Creation
Creating pixel art is a popular form of digital art that requires meticulous attention to detail. Traditional pixel art editors often lack efficient keyboard shortcuts, making the process of creating pixel art time-consuming. However, PyPixelArt, a keyboard-centric pixel editor developed by douglascdev, aims to solve this problem by adopting a keyboard-centric approach inspired by the…
A Simple Tool for Creating Palette Swap Masks
Redmask: A Simple Tool for Creating Palette Swap Masks Have you ever wanted to easily create palette swap masks for your graphics projects? Look no further! Redmask is a simple yet powerful tool that helps you generate palette swap masks in just a few simple steps. In this article, we will explore the features and…
A Quick and Easy 3D Graphics Engine in Python
peng3d: A Quick and Easy 3D Graphics Engine in Python Are you looking for a simple way to create stunning visualizations or develop proof-of-concept projects in Python? Look no further than peng3d, an open-source 3D graphics engine that aims to make 3D programming more accessible and enjoyable. What is peng3d? peng3d is a collection of…