A Convenient Wrapper for Easy Data Manipulation

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Connecting to the PopIt API with Popit-Python: A Convenient Wrapper for Easy Data Manipulation

Are you looking to connect to the PopIt API and manipulate data effortlessly? Look no further than Popit-Python! In this article, we will explore how to use Popit-Python, a convenient wrapper that simplifies the process of creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from PopIt.

Understanding Popit-Python

Popit-Python is a set of Python bindings that allow you to connect to the PopIt API. With Popit-Python, you can interact with PopIt’s RESTful API seamlessly. Whether you want to create new items, retrieve existing data, update information, or delete items, Popit-Python provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface.


To get started with Popit-Python, you can easily install the module from PyPi using pip. Simply run the following command:

pip install PopIt-Python

Alternatively, you can clone the Popit-Python repository and install it according to your preference.

Connecting to PopIt

Once you have Popit-Python installed, you can start connecting to PopIt and performing operations. To establish the connection, you need to obtain the PopIt binding object. Here’s an example of how to obtain the binding object:

from popit_api import PopIt

api = PopIt(instance=’professors’,

In the example above, you need to provide the instance name, hostname, port, api_version, and api_key (or user and password) to authenticate and connect to your PopIt instance. It’s essential to have the correct configuration to ensure a successful connection.

Performing Operations

Creating an Item

To create a new item in PopIt using Popit-Python, you can use the post() method and specify the item’s details. For example, let’s create a new person named “Albert Keinstein”:

new_person = api.persons.post({'name': 'Albert Keinstein'})

In the code snippet above, we pass the person’s name as a dictionary to the post() method, and it returns the details of the newly created person.

Reading Items

To retrieve a single item from PopIt, you can use the get() method and provide the item’s ID. Here’s an example:

person = api.persons(id).get()

If you want to get all items of a specific kind, such as all persons, you can also use the get() method without providing an ID.

Updating Items

To update an existing item in PopIt, you can use the put() method and specify the updated information. For example:

result = api.persons(id).put({"name": "Albert Einstein"})

In the code snippet above, we update the name of the person with the provided ID.

Deleting Items

If you want to delete an item from PopIt, you can use the delete() method and provide the item’s ID. Here’s an example:

successfully_deleted = api.persons(id).delete()

Handling Errors

Popit-Python provides helpful error messages to guide you through any issues that may occur. Here are some common error messages you may encounter:

  • HttpClientError: Client Error 404: This error occurs when you try to interact with an item that doesn’t exist. Please ensure you provide a valid ID.
  • HttpClientError: Client Error 401: This error occurs when you provide incorrect authentication credentials (username or password) while trying to create, update, or delete an item.
  • SchemaError: ‘foo does not exist. Try one of these schemas: organizations, positions, persons.’: This error occurs when you attempt to access data from a schema that doesn’t exist.

More Information and Testing

To get more information about what’s happening internally, you can enable logging for Popit-Python. This helps you track the interactions and troubleshoot any issues more effectively. Simply enable logging using the following code:

import logging

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN, format=FORMAT)

If you want to run tests for your Popit-Python implementation, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the file config_example.py to config_test.py.
  2. Change the entries in config_test.py to refer to your local test server.
  3. Install the oktest library using pip install oktest.
  4. Ensure that your PopIt instance is running because you cannot test Popit-Python without a running PopIt instance.
  5. Run python test.py to execute the tests.


If you choose not to use the pip installation method, you will need the following additional libraries:

  • requests (install using pip install requests==0.14.2)
  • slumber (install using pip install slumber)

Please note that you need to specify the version of requests because slumber is not compatible with requests versions greater than 1.0.0 at the moment.


Popit-Python makes it easy to connect to the PopIt API and manipulate data effortlessly. With its convenient wrapper and intuitive interface, you can create, read, update, and delete items in PopIt without any hassle. Follow the installation instructions, explore the various operations, and handle errors effectively with the help of Popit-Python. Start leveraging the power of PopIt and unlock new possibilities for data manipulation!

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