Converting Punycode to Unicode and Vice Versa Made Easy with Punycode Converter Library

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Converting Punycode to Unicode and Vice Versa Made Easy with Punycode Converter Library

Are you struggling with converting Punycode domain to Unicode domain and vice versa? Look no further – the Punycode Converter Library for Python simplifies this process for you. In this article, we will explore how to install the library, learn about its key features, and see code samples that illustrate its ease of use.


Before we dive into the code, let’s start by installing the Punycode Converter Library. Open your terminal and run the following command:

pip install punycode

With just one line of code, you’ll have the library ready to use in your Python project.

Key Function: punycode.convert()

The Punycode Converter Library provides a single function that handles both Punycode to Unicode and Unicode to Punycode conversion. The function punycode.convert() takes a domain as input and returns the converted domain.

Here’s the signature of the function:

input_text: string

The input_text can be either a Punycode domain or a Unicode domain. The function will automatically detect the type of input and perform the corresponding conversion.

The return value of the function is a string representing the converted domain. If you provide a Punycode domain as input, you will get a Unicode domain as output, and vice versa.

Let’s take a look at some code samples to understand how to use the punycode.convert() function.

Code Samples

Converting Unicode domain to Punycode domain

import punycode

str1 = “美しい.世界”
str2 = “こっち.みんな”
str3 = “日本語.jp”

print(f”{str1} -> {punycode.convert(str1)}”)
print(f”{str2} -> {punycode.convert(str2)}”)
print(f”{str3} -> {punycode.convert(str3)}”)

The output will be:

美しい.世界 -> 僕だけの.世界
こっち.みんな -> こっち.みんな
日本語.jp -> 日本語.jp

Converting Punycode domain to Unicode domain

import punycode

str4 = “xn--n8jub8754b.xn--rhqv96g”
str5 = “xn--28j2af.xn--q9jyb4c”
str6 = “”

print(f”{str4} -> {punycode.convert(str4)}”)
print(f”{str5} -> {punycode.convert(str5)}”)
print(f”{str6} -> {punycode.convert(str6)}”)

The output will be:

xn--n8jub8754b.xn--rhqv96g -> 美しい.世界
xn--28j2af.xn--q9jyb4c -> こっち.みんな -> 日本語.jp

The ascii_only Option

Starting from version 0.2.0, the Punycode Converter Library introduces the ascii_only option. By default, this option is set to False. When set to True, the convert() function will only convert Unicode domains and leave Punycode domains unchanged.

ascii_only option (v0.2.0 or later)


ascii_only = True

str7 = “xn--n8jub8754b.xn--rhqv96g”
str8 = “xn--28j2af.xn--q9jyb4c”
str9 = “”

print(f”{str7} -> {punycode.convert(str7, ascii_only)}”)
print(f”{str8} -> {punycode.convert(str8, ascii_only)}”)
print(f”{str9} -> {punycode.convert(str9, ascii_only)}”)

The output will be:

xn--n8jub8754b.xn--rhqv96g -> xn--n8jub8754b.xn--rhqv96g
xn--28j2af.xn--q9jyb4c -> xn--28j2af.xn--q9jyb4c ->

Please note that the ascii_only option is available starting from version 0.2.0 of the library. If you’re using an older version, make sure to update your punycode package by running the following command:

pip install -U punycode


In this article, we explored how the Punycode Converter Library for Python simplifies the conversion of Punycode domains to Unicode domains and vice versa. We learned how to install the library, examined the punycode.convert() function, and saw code samples that illustrated its usage. Additionally, we discovered the ascii_only option introduced in version 0.2.0 for more precise domain handling.

With the Punycode Converter Library, you can handle domain conversions with ease, making it a valuable tool for developers and domain administrators alike.

Make sure to check out the PyPi project page for more information and to get started with the library in your projects.

Happy domain handling!

Punycode Converter Library on PyPI

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